Declare properties in france : What is the taxe d'habitation (local residence) ? This tax supports local authorities and allows them to finance...
What’s new in the French 2023 Finance Law for real estate
French finance law 2023 for real estate : Abolition of the housing tax (taxe d’habitation) for principal residences. The reform initiated in 2018...
How to reduce or avoid your French real estate wealth tax?
It is worth noting that since January 1, 2018, the wealth tax (Impôt de solidarité sur la fortune - ISF) has been abolished and replaced by a "new"...
Taxation of rental income in France: The difference between the micro and the réel plans
You earn rental income in France and you are wondering which plans to choose to report it. In this article, we will introduce you to the options...
Wealth Tax Return : Deductible debts
Real estate wealth tax (IFI) is calculated on the net value of the assets, after subtracting of deductible debts of wealth tax.We give you the...
Airbnb regulations in France : how to rent legally your property ?
Let's take a look at airbnb regulations in france iregarding the cities of Paris, Lyon and Bordeaux. Three very popular cities for seasonal rentals....
Para-hotel industry : what is the difference with furnished rental ?
The para-hotel system is particularly technical and investors deserve to be fully enlightened on the social and fiscal consequences before starting...
Buying property with a foreign company in France
There is no legal obstacle to the acquisition by a foreign company of property located in France. However, the taxation applicable may, be a source...
Guide to legally rent your property in France
Short term rental in france are becoming more and more regulated. What are the steps to be taken to rent your house or apartment legally? Taking...
Taxation of luxury real estate
Taxation of luxury real estate must be taken into consideration to build up a sustainable wealth is through real estate, investing in luxury...
Buying Real Estate in France : New-build or old?
Buying real estate in France is wonderful project. Indeed, you can invest in a new real estate or in an old good. What choice to make ? Buying real...
Wealth tax in France : list of assets exempt from the wealth tax
This brochure, dedicated to the IFI (real estate wealth tax) in France, focuses on the outlines of its tax system. The result of a meticulous work...