Foreign company hiring employees in France : how to proceed ?
A company with its head office abroad and no permanent establishment in France can employ salaried staff in France, even without an office here.
The advantages of this service
This service is a response to the real issue of homeworking across national borders. Work is becoming increasingly digitalised and more and more employees are now working from home. Things are a little more complex for employees working for a foreign company: the foreign company is required to register in France as an employeur firme étrangère (foreign company that is an employer) so that it can prepare employee payslips, report and pay the relevant social charges, deduct and pay tax deducted at source for the employee, etc.
Foreign company hiring employees in France :
Discover more about our services
We are well aware of the difficulties facing such companies and offer a specialised payroll management service:
- We handle the reporting formalities for the employeur firme étrangère with the authorities.
- We handle the hiring formalities for employees, ensuring their affiliation with the relevant retirement, pension and health bodies, etc.
- We prepare monthly payslips.
- We calculate and report the monthly social security contributions.
Payroll management for foreign companies employing staff in France
our staff speak French, English and Italian
monthly payslips
hiring formalities for employees
Reporting formalities for the employeur firme étrangère with the authorities.
social security contributions

Foreign company hiring employees in France : important point !
For foreign companies located outside of the European Union (+ the United Kingdom, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland), outside of the SEPA, it is also necessary to engage a tax representative to ensure payment of social security contributions and income tax (deducted at source). We can put you in touch with a tax representative if required.
Languages spoken: our staff speak French, English and Italian
Roche & Cie is at your side
Contact us to find out more about how we work and to discuss your specific needs.
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